Why You Should Use Shea Butter on Your Hair: Tips for Transitioners

So you know how my hair loves thick oils, and nourishing, natural based products right? Well, since I've started transitioning, I noticed that among Castor oil, Grapeseed oil, and Aloe Vera, Shea Butter has earned a top spot on my list of what my scalp can handle. My hair is so much easier to detangle, much softer, and extremely manageable now that I've added it to my list.

My normal regimen breaks down like this: My weekly staples are still my go-to 1) Castor oil: at least 3x a week, 2) Grapeseed oil: when I have somewhere to go the next day and don't want my hair to be all sticky, and 3) A weekend aloe vera scalp treatment-- which includes rubbing the gel straight from the plant slices on my scalp after washing with a sulfate free shampoo, rinsing the excess aloe with cool water, and conditioning with my castor oil if I'm staying in for the night.

But, I couldn't leave you hanging with Shea Butter. Here's some of it's other benefits you can look out for:

  • Penetrates deep layers of the skin for added conditioning and moisture
  • Softens hair 
  • Contains Vitamins E, A, and F
  • Protects against sun exposure (a low, but nice SPF 6 for your hair and scalp on those hot summer days; somethin' beats nothing right? 😉)
  • Reduces skin inflammation thanks to lupeol cinnamate, and other compounds found in its raw, unrefined state
  • Acts as a barrier to chemicals in the environment and pollution
  • Relieves insect bites and guards against bugs overall
  • Can help with Eczema and dry skin 

The best is raw, unrefined Shea butter (I was lucky enough to find it at my local beauty supply, however you can find it on Amazon). Its quickly absorbed, contains no fillers, and is especially healthy for your hair. Happy conditioning! 😉💗

Be Blessed, Be Curly, Be Cherished.


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