Castor Oil Lovin'!

Let me tell you.. my hair loves itself some thick oils. Castor Oil, Glycerin, anything thick. But my "biased-ism"..😂 isn't the only reason why Castor oil is my favorite hair oil hands down. Its not only moisturizing but protecting, nourishing, and a great sealant. I have yet to fallen in love with anything better to my hair than Castor Oil. It has looads of benefits, many of which being:

  • it contains ricinoleic acid to help increase scalp circulation 
  • hair thickening (helps appearance of fuller hair)
  • reduces split ends
  • seals in moisture to aid in retaining all those good juices for the scalp
  • naturally anti-fungal
  • best natural conditioning for thicker/coarse hair in the winter months
  • beautiful for those with dry and flaky scalp!

There's a reason why Castor Oil is in so many beauty products on the market today. It's one of the best and one of the cheaper oils you can get that actually gets the job done. And as far as experience goes, ladies and gents this is the oil that brought my hair back to life; literally from short, barely top-of-my-neck length, to past shoulder length back in the day (after a tragic and major hair fall out following a harsh salon treatment). If you have been struggling with hair loss and have some faith to spare, try this and be consistent. It was my miracle treatment, and I hope you make it yours too. 😗

Be Blessed, be Curly, be Cherished.


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